Jan 2, 2011

My Top 3 Lessons of 2010

1.  You cannot give what you do not have:  I learned this the hard way, that it is truly important to love one’s self in a healthy way so as to be able to love others in the truest sense. To love your neighbor as one’s self constitutes a given, that you love yourself too. And the true love that overflows from within is one that you share and give to others. In this way, you give without expecting anything in return. You love because it naturally flows out from you. And when we draw from the Source of Love, we find so much more to give. God's spirit is within us, let us share his kind of love to the world, one that gives life to others.

 2.  You cannot please everyone:  And that IS okay.  There are six billion people in the world and counting, everyone with different personalities, tastes and preferences and it’s quite impossible for one person to attend to everyone’s needs.  So, I’ve learned to serve those I am called to serve, those who I am called to "please" - to make happy.  One of the most popular words of the past decade is “niche” and wisely so. Let us begin by serving our niche, the people whom we were designed to serve and do well what we can do best. I resolve to now stay focused on my purpose because at the end of it all, the only one we truly need to delight is God and everything else follows. Think Matthew 6:33.  “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” We were created for a purpose. May we grow deeper in our purpose this year and if we haven't found it yet, may we discover it soon in prayer and application.

3.  In order to do the BEST that you can, you have to say NO to other (lesser) things:  I am reminded in particular of the quotable quote “Many things will catch your attention but only a few will capture your heart. Pursue those.” Indeed. Many things will want to want to divide our time and attention that in the end we cannot focus on what we truly want to accomplish. In truth, we must remain true to our calling, because this is how we will best serve others. May our soul dreams come true not only for our sake but for others too.


I started 2010 on a positive note, hoping that it would be an awesome year and it was! It’s amazing how words can become reality and how words truly have life in them. (And the word was made flesh…) Pleasant surprises included a free trip to Boracay courtesy of my good friend Dette, it was a prize during her wedding for the person who catches her bouquet. During the ceremonial throwing, the bouquet landed on my hand, literally. I did not have to move from where I was standing. I guess it’s true what they say, when it’s yours, it is yours.  One only needs to be open to receiving. Itadakimasu!  I humbly receive. 

That was at the beginning of the year when the moon was full and as Dette and James celebrates their first wedding anniversary today, I wish for them a wonderful and love-filled married life. What joy it is to receive baby Amber Raine at the close of 2010. What a blessing indeed!

I am also truly grateful that I got to spend more time with my cousins who grew up in L.A. It was great to reconnect with them and to discover that in spite of the distance and differences in the influences and environment that we grew up in, the core of who we are remain, the values and traits we have inherited from our elders will remain as we continue forge new memories and traditions of our own.  I am excited Jing and Klet about the future as you re-discover your Filipino roots.  I believe I’ll be seeing more of you in our beloved Philippines.  Cheers to new and wonderful memories together!

I am filled with hope and wonderful expectation at what this new year and new decade will bring. I pray with all my heart that 2011 and the coming years would be good and filled with pleasant surprises.

I believe that I will see God’s promises fulfilled before my very eyes. For He said, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future full of hope.”(Jeremiah29:11).

Cheers to an amazing year ahead! May God continue to bless and keep us in his loving heart! Amen. So be it. 


maymay balatayo said...

Ate Marj,

Happy New Year to you!!

Im posting a 2010 year-ender post in the first few days of January (na) soon. I am inspired by everyone writing down their reflections and thank you's for the amazing 2010.

See you soon! Continue inspiring!

God Bless,

Marj Duterte said...

dearest maymay,

thanks for reading! i hope to be able to blog weekly this year. happy, happy new year to you too!

may our loving Father continue to inspire and use you to build his heaven on earth through Gawad Kalinga.

hope to be able to join the Bayani Challenge this April. see you soon.

Continue to be inspired and share the inspiration! let the spirit of Hope be the light of the world!
