Jan 9, 2011

To write or not to write, that is the question

What to write on a Sunday afternoon, when the household is asleep and the sky is shedding tears (of joy, i hope). Seeking to keep my promise to blog once a week for the next 52 weeks, and so here it goes...

The writing life is a life of discipline, even when you are not inspired, you must gather all your strength to write. In sum, you just have to sit down and do it. Tapitaptaptap... even when the words make no sense until finally there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I believe that everyone can write. But not everyone has the discipline for writing. But like every skill in life, I believe wholeheartedly that it can be learned. I struggle with the discipline of writing too but it's just like being an athlete-in-training, you have to show up and exercise your writing muscles. Just do it. Begin even when you don't feel like doing it. Keep moving forward. Suddenly, inspiration strikes as you type, even words that make no sense act to prime the water of ideas until it overflows.

Sometimes when I write, it feels like I'm jotting down notes.  Most of the ideas do not come from me, it comes from a source that is wiser, kinder and more loving. Some call her the Muse, for others still - the higher self, I acknowledge it as divine inspiration, the Spirit generously sharing his kind thoughts through me. I am just an instrument in the hands of Greatest Author of all and I humbly receive.

It is a privilege to write and indeed one of the greatest blessings of my life. I hope that I would be able to share something beautiful with you every week, be your friend even only through this blog. It is my prayer that you live every day of your life fully as I try to live mine. Let us struggle together and let us be victorious together in God's grace. May His inspiration kindle the hope in your heart until it burns brightly for all to see so that others may also dream, and dare to achieve their dreams. Not to us but to His name be the glory.

Let us keep on doing what we were meant to do. God bless us in 2011!

1 comment:

maymay balatayo said...

Ate Marj,

I will read all your entries in the next 52 weeks and even beyond. Your title is the question I asked myself during my "supposedly" 30 blog challenge which I never get to finish. haha.

Btaw, continue inspiring through writing beautiful stories!