May 28, 2010

In Between Dreams

Stuck in Ateneo today, after a heavy downpour. Coming from a meeting, I got dropped off at National bookstore and my hungry stomach found its way to the Mushroom Burger just a few steps sideways, never mind that I was drenched, the hungry must be fed.

Lo and behold, some free wi-fi! and a blessed corner in which to transcribe some random musings, while looking outside the window, waiting for the drops to subside.

This week, on my way to work and home, I remember seeing a poor man scavenging the garbage for some piece of heaven and three small children pushing a kariton (cart) with their most treasured belongings wrapped in a black plastic bag. Even until now, it gets to me. I still feel bad and sad at the same time. So much arable land in the entire Philippines, still so many hungry people. So many young kids still needing our care and concern.

Reminded me also of the sad statistics, "24,000 children die each day due to poverty and they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.” (UNICEF)

Seeing them everyday still gets to me, and it should. It is so much worse when we get desensitized to the harsh reality facing so many of our brethren, accepting things as normal because it has become all too familiar.

As I thought of satisfying my own hunger and fortunate enough to have money to feed myself, I felt sad that that I could not share so much more. What I could offer at the moment was a simple prayer that somehow someone who had more than enough would be able to share more so that others may live.

That simple moment that broke my heart strengthened a dream to give more. To generate and create more resources to support others until no child should have to look to the trash for his next meal, until the dream of a poverty-free country becomes a reality...Somehow, someday it will all come true.

Going home now, the rains have subsided. "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:13).

Dreaming of fullness of life for all children. (Painting by Joey Velasco)


sachin said...

beautiful pic. :)

Marj Duterte said...

cheers Ram :)