Apr 15, 2010

When Duty Calls, Take Courage

Last week was kind of sad and challenging but this week was filled with contentment and peace. You never really know what’s going to happen in life. Many people quit before the upswing that they don’t see how beautiful life can be.

I remember a new friend relating to a particular metaphor of life where someone drives a car with no gas signal, he does not know that he has ran out of gas because there is no signal informing him.

Relating it to life and what is worth living for he says, many people can live for something bigger than themselves but they do not know how because no one is letting them know. It may take an event, an experience, or a person's words to trigger the hero in them, which has been within them all along.

I realized in our simple conversation how important it was to speak up, to inform, to inspire, to spread hope and to share in any way you can because you’ll never know when your words can impact someone’s life and lead them to where they should be.

So, the speakers must speak and the writers must write. Those who are called to do business, must do it with a heart for service. Those who are called to govern must lead well.

We all have roles to play. “If you do not find a way, no one will.” (LOTR).

I say, let’s just do what we must do. Let’s do it for others that they may live.

For people like me who are "ambivert" (half introvert, half extroverted), it takes courage to get out of our comfort zone, but we must. Because we should. For others.

Trembling and afraid, still I will trust where the heavens will lead me. And from now on, I will not be afraid to speak up.

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