Feb 1, 2010

Who's got your back?

So sad today. Even the ever-dependable Michael Buble is not cheering me up. It's that time again when the hormones wreak havoc in an already stressed body. Just feeling low and a bit alone. But I don't really want to talk to anyone because I feel so sensitive.  Oh well. "Just haven't met you yet," I suppose.

I admire dreamers who make their dreams come true. People who keep on working until they make it happen. I've always believed anything is possible to one who believes. But when there are times of doubt, it is really a blessing when someone believes in you until you believe in yourself again.

"I might have to wait. I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck."

Don't get me wrong, I am not in a hurry. There are still so many things to do. "Wherever you are, whenever it's right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life."

I have finally given up pleasing just about everyone and the only way to be true to others, is to be true to yourself.

I just remembered a dear friend's dilemma last week. How she found it hard to trust others since her dad died about two years ago. She could always depend on her father to support her and affirm her decisions. Forced to become the head of the family, she had to grow up fast and have to be their tower of strength. Everyone now depends on her.  With this responsibility, she would sometimes break down. Because when everyone else depends on you, she asks, who can you turn to? "Who's got your back?"

Hard question to answer.

When there's no one else to go and life gives you these lonely times...who can you trust? My dearest friend, I believe
God has our back.  God is the Father that we all need, our rock and refuge on days we just want to hide from the world. And maybe someday, someone will come along who will be heaven's physical expression of that steady, firm support.

"And I know that we can be so amazing. And baby your love is gonna change me. And now I can see every possibility..."


Dan said...

I love you Marj. You have always been true to me. And I agree... it's almost as if are lonely experiences are there to remind us who our Ultimate Best Friend is. These tender moments can be depressing, and yet also... the door to our liberation & joy, once we realize we are enough.

Aside from God's unconditional love, friends are the best! I will always believe in you Marj.

You have been one of the best (and few) friends to me. And I just want to say, thank you for being in my life! God Bless You! <3

Marj Duterte said...

Thank you for being in my life too D.

Sirach says,"A faithful friend is a source of strength; whoever finds one has found a treasure."

I have found a treasure indeed. Love you too!