Feb 11, 2010

Welcome to the Digital Age

Just came from an interview with a wonderful professor at the Asian Institute of Management for a business article I am trying to write. I remember looking for mini-cassette tapes yesterday to use in my Sony recorder but the stores had none. Perplexed and confused, I realized it had been quite awhile since I tried buying a tape, more than 5 years perhaps. I've gotten used to recycling old ones which are now worn-out from hearing far too many voices.

An old soul when it comes to writing, I still love to record thoughts in longhand (trying to preserve the art of scripts in an age of fonts), I decided I would recycle another tape and hope for the best. It turns out that even tape recorders have to retire. Especially when it zonked out in the middle of an interview and could not be revived, while the kind professor considered lending me a tape from his old archives. Had to rely on the best recorder of all, the mind,while writing fast to capture his thoughts.  It was time for my dependable companion (the manual recorder) to take a much deserved rest.

This entry is an attempt to record a turning point in my life from a seemingly simple day. Walking out of the university, I decided right there and there I would buy a digital recorder.

I know it's not an earth-shaking realization but to me it was :) I am normally a cheapskate when it comes to gadgets, but today was a day I tried something new without thinking too much of the cost. As the good professor would say, "Invest on the right tools so you can improve your capacity," a business advice that is also applicable to personal concerns.

So what little savings I had, I decided to invest today on a tool which I hope will help me become more productive. I bought it already without regret.

So, I welcome myself properly today to the digital age.  Although I use the internet quite a lot, I'm still technology-challenged when it comes to a lot of gadgets. There is a lot to learn. Have to remember though that it is just a tool, what matters is what I do with it, and to use it well so that we recover the investment, so to speak.

They say, when you enter the digital age, there is not turning back. In a way, it is quite an advantage to be delayed in jumping on the bandwagon because the price becomes lower after a while, new gadgets having a fast turnover, getting replaced by new and improved versions. Sometimes, it's great to buy when it's no longer the fad. As you know, the lesser the demand and the higher the supply, prices go down. As to why one would buy into a fad is another question. I believe it's good to buy what you need, and not scrimp on quality, because it saves you more in the long run. Some things, "wants" as they are called are okay to simmer for awhile. Good things come to those who wait. But also it is best to know when to act.

Suffice to say, I love my digital recorder :-) maybe a laptop, next time?

1 comment:

Marj Duterte said...

I did get a laptop. wow. Thank God! :-)