Jun 15, 2010

Faith Like a Child

Listening today to Jars of Clay's Faith like a Child. I am so early in the office today. I woke up at 3 am and can't sleep again. I've only slept for less than 4 hours but my mind is active though my back needs some rest.

These past 3 days has been rather fascinating. I have been discerning for the next steps in life and I have been spending time in prayer. It is amazing when heaven speaks. I've realized that God does speak clearly, not in cryptic signs you need to decode, but that he speaks plainly in the language you know. The Spirit speaks to us in the way we will understand.

In my experience, I have felt God talking to me through phrases in books, to the lines of a song or a movie. Sometimes it can be amusing. God can be funny too and he can make you laugh with how spot-on he can be.

I am just very grateful today because when I asked for courage, I received it. I prayed for wisdom and insights came like a flood. It is kind of overwhelming, scary and exciting, at the same time. I am certain right now that God wants me to grow and to pursue the path that will allow me to be the best that I can be, where I can best serve others at this time in my life. Changes can be daunting and uncomfortable but I have hope because God is already there, victory is at hand. We just need to take the steps of trust towards the destiny that awaits us.

Faith is a gift. Sometimes, I struggle with doubts with my self. But I pray that I would never lose my faith in God because to not know him is to walk and stumble in darkness. God is light. Faith is what helps us see beyond what our minds can't grasp at the moment. The knowledge of him shouts from the very atom of the universe. He is both art and science combined. I believe and it is true. It is truly a blessing to see with the eyes of the heart. I wish the same for you.

They say that I can move the mountains
And send them crashing to the sea
They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
with faith like a child

They say that love can heal the broken
They say that hope can make you see
They say that faith can find a Savior
If you would follow and believe
with faith like a child

1 comment:

maymay balatayo said...

one of my all time favorite song. the first time i heard this ate marj brought me to tears. or maybe because it was my on-spot prayer at that time. :)