Oct 19, 2011

Magic Number 33

Never Hide. I saw this from a tagline of an eyeware company and I thought to myself, what does that mean? Further reflection revealed that one should never hide their gifts and talents because as Oprah would say, “Your playing small does not serve the world.” We need to become the best version of ourselves so that we can give our best to others.

Today, I feel like my world has just changed. I am writing this blog from a place where I won’t normally consider myself being in. But suddenly, I find myself in it. At 33, I feel that my life is just beginning to unfold. As Steve Jobs would put it, the dots are starting to connect. It is quite exciting and I need so much grace and courage to make it happen, to connect these dots.  Although I will always be a child at heart, my mind is racing a hundred miles per hour with all the things I want to accomplish in the coming months.

I just transferred to a new home which ironically is addressed #33 and the office I often go to dream and write is found on the 33rd floor of a building. I don’t mean to give too much meaning to it but I am kind of amused and delighted at such a coincidence.

At the new room where I am staying, I was given the gift of a white board, and the wooden floor gives me a lot of space to dream and to think on my feet. I love the touch of these wooden floors.  I am like a plant transferred to another pot where my roots can finally stretch and grow. I really hope I would become a good steward of these many blessings thrown in my path. To be able to use them and harness them and to pay it forward in the near future.

It is a time to build, a time to never hide. A time to bloom if I may be allowed to say so, as a good friend says, I should claim it! I should. So be it. The Japanese would often say the words: “Itadakimasu” right before a meal.  It means "Let's eat!" It  is also translated to mean “I humbly receive.”

I am humbly receiving at this stage in my life. To humbly receive is to acknowledge our dependence on God who is the Source of everything. When we have God, we have everything. I am finding that it is true what St. Teresa of Avila says, God alone is sufficient.

I am learning to humbly receive, so that when it’s time for me to give, I would give as I have received.  May our dreams come true and may our hearts be in the right place when they do.

Eyes to heaven with our feet firmly planted on the ground.

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