Jul 27, 2012

Of Tracks and Things

One of the things I look forward to doing everyday is riding the train. It seems strange to like it especially since where I live in, trains are anything but serene. Often, you may need to squeeze yourself in like a sardine to fit in rush hour evenings at the metro rail transit. But on wonderful occasions, especially in the mid-mornings and late evenings, spaces are freed up and it becomes a joy to take the train at the LRT 2.

I don't know why I love trains. Perhaps, I am inspired by its state of one-trackedness. Its sense of focus appeals to me. As I look from the glass window outside to the vehicles below, I tell myself that I would rather suffer a few minutes of inconvenience standing inside the train than endure the pain of endless traffic. But I won't mind being a passenger in a car, spending time with family and friends if I had all the time in the world.

Ah, time. That's it. I seem to be always in a hurry to get to my destination, hence the need to take the train. But for a few minutes there, seating beside someone with their earphones blasting loudly, I feel for their ears but grateful for their seeming company, sharing in their music and reverie.

Sometimes I smile at people, and I chuckle inside and wonder at times at conversations I can't help but listen to, very sorry for eavesdropping sometimes but I guess I am what they call a captive audience ;)...I realize now why I love trains because it allows me to be with people from all walks of life.

Life is like a train ride. We share this common journey, although we have different destinations. At this moment in time, we are together, sharing a common space and though more often than not lost in our own thoughts, I realize that we do not live in a vacuum. We live in a world of strangers who can be our friends...there is that possibility, a choice to be made, to reach out to one and turn them into someone we can share the journey with.

When I ride in the mornings, I can see the beauty of the Sierra Madre mountain ranges in the horizon. Yes, there are actually mountains to be seen in our urban jungle and despite my hurried life at the start of the day,  the sight of these mountains refreshes me. Their natural beauty reminds me to take things slowly, to breathe deeply and take time to appreciate my surroundings and the people around me.

In the evenings, I love standing on the platform, waiting for the train. I am delighted whenever I see its headlights coming from far away. It seems that no matter how long the wait, the train always comes. Strangely enough, it gives me hope. And when the train is filled up to the brim, there is always another one on its way. Sometimes, life surprises too. You find a train that you enjoy with poetry posted on its walls.

Life is like a train. I love them because whatever they do, they don't seem to get off-track. They are always traveling on their rightful path, unlike me, who can be easily distracted and get out-of-focus at times.  Fortunately, one can also pray quietly in the train. This helps me get back on track again and focus on the essentials in life. I am blessed because I get to ride the train regularly and see things from another perspective. Every time I get off, I seem to become a better version of me.

It's nice to stumble upon happiness in the most ordinary of things. We continue to learn and grow, whenever we keep our eyes and hearts open to the gifts life wants to share with us, even if they are wrapped in something as simple and unassuming as a train journey.

Life is beautiful. The journey matters as much as the destination. Thanks to http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2245/2138430683_b351acd7b8 for the inspiring
 image of the train tracks taken at sunrise. 

Song of the week:  Where you Go by The Young Romans. Such an awesome song from an inspiring film, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Its upbeat tempo seems like good company to take on a run.

Next time, let's talk about how life is also like a marathon...

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